Zero two comic xxx

Zero two comic xxx

Because Hiro treated her as he would anyone else, whereas others didn't treat her as a human for one reason or another, Zero Two developed a deep admiration and liking towards him. Hiro and Zero Two discuss their plans and Zero Two says she doesn't care as long as they're together. After a collision with Delphinium and hearing Ichigo's words. Retrieved July 9, She asks if he remembers their promise to marry and he says he does. The way people treated her as a child made her lose faith in people which is especially seen when she was a child: being very defensive or aggressive when people tried to interact with her. Miku and Zero Two become close enough to the point that Zero Two feels comfortable with Miku washing her hair, and Miku made a flower crown for Zero Two as a present. When Zero Two helps Ichigo rescue Goro, she is happy when Ichigo says that she trusts her, and admits that she doesn't dislike helping her out. Over time, Zero Two developed romantic feelings towards Hiro. At the beginning of the episode, the members of Squad 13, with the exception of Zero Two, receive presents from Papa. While being escorted by the guards to the carrier, Hiro catches up to her, however unable to reach her due to restriction system. However, after she realized that Hiro was indeed her darling from her childhood, Zero Two felt extremely apologetic and distraught about her actions.

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