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Jones continued conflating mass tragedies with dark ploys by federal agencies to vilify gun-loving conservatives and expand the authority of said agencies. Get that through your goddamn fucking head. At one point, Corsi was getting dragged into the Russian collusion investigation led by Robert Mueller. Joshua Koskoff, a lawyer for the Sandy Hook families, said Jones deserved to be sanctioned for his threatening comments on his show. New Stonewall National Monument visitor center marks uprising 55 years ago On Thursday, June 23, , the Connecticut Supreme Court has upheld a sanction against the Infowars host over an angry outburst on his web show against an attorney for relatives of some of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims. In fact, it was the most painful thing that I had to do since my son, Jesse, was murdered. Profile My News Sign Out. In April , The New York Times reported that Jones was in engaged in discussions with the Justice Department to potentially strike a deal and discuss his role in the rally that led up to the Jan. I want the advanced life-extension! During the ordeal, Brennan Gilmore, a Charlottesville resident and counterprotester, used his cellphone to film the attack and upload it to Twitter. The conspiracies went beyond mass shootings.

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