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I know you mentioned the dificulty artist have on making a profit already. From the outside looking in, to say there's some turbulence surrounding this forum is generous if people as high profile as Null are involved. Also interesting that the topics Aniwa mentions as "points of concern" then are still, in some capacity, points of concern in the doujinshi scene. Funnily enough most of the worksI know him from are straight shota. Is that like a fan meet? I always had great respect for "amateur works" as I think this is the place where most innovation can come from as they are, usually, not worried about turning up a profit or following a trend. These kind of people made a lot of great stuff and when they go we are left wondering what else they were working on and how it would have turned out. Also I still cant believe they made a freaking broadway musical about lolita. Huh I had no idea j-list was that old. Thread starter Taruby Start date Jun 22, Weird, I received an e-mail alerting me to Hexasheep's previous post a couple days ago. I found it quite touching how the author views doujin as connected together in their artistic pursuits.

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