Hump day quotes with pictures

Hump day quotes with pictures

Each day of the week usually presents a different challenge, and Wednesday is no different. Stuck between manic Monday and fun-loving Friday, Wednesday tends to get a bad rap. It's no whine Wednesday. I love my work. Here are some humorous midweek musings guaranteed to tickle your funny bone and make hump day feel a little less like a mountain and more like a molehill. Camel humps line. Bactrian camel in the desert under a blue sky with clouds and sun. It's hump day, and I'm feeling cute as a camel! Hump Day Illustration. Are you looking for an efficient way to make your Wednesday humorous? Now, it's a household phrase that still keeps us perked up and rolling towards the weekend! Camelus bactrianus is a large artiodactyl animal.

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