Leslie pornhub

Leslie pornhub

Pornhub and the other plaintiffs filed suit on Monday, alleging that the law is unconstitutional — violating the First Amendment — and unenforceable. Leslie covers state government for the Indiana Capital Chronicle with emphases on elections, infrastructure and transportation. It comes days after Pornhub — joined by other explicit content providers and a free speech group — sued the state in an attempt to block the law. It comes days after Pornhub — joined by other explicit content providers and a free speech group — sued the state in an attempt to block the law. She previously covered city-county government for the Indianapolis Business Journal. Sign up for the Mirror Indy newsletter! Related Articles. She has also reported on local, national and international news for the Chicago Tribune, Voice of America and more. AP and Getty images may not be republished. Loading Comments Lawmakers tussled over the legislation in committee and on the floor. She holds an undergraduate degree in journalism from Northwestern University.

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LESLIE PORNHUB / coachmartygross.info