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The site has also faced criticism for hosting revenge porn or videos showing nonconsensual sex; while offenders may be arrested, Pornhub has generally escaped any serious repercussions for hosting that content. One simple workaround was to upload those full-length races on Pornhub. By Elizabeth Blackstock. Rokita spoke directly to privacy concerns, saying the law requires porn websites to destroy confidential user material. Supreme Court weighs an appeal from the same free speech group suing in the Indiana lawsuit. Indiana Supreme Court weighs discovery Facebook Twitter Email. In practice, the laws have just made the internet more dangerous for adults and children. I plan on pouring one out for our fallen comrades—before proceeding to toast one small step toward a reduction in exploitation. A judge will hear arguments on Monday on whether to allow the law to go into effect July 1, or issue an injunction. News at your fingertips! All joking aside, this is a decision for the greater good.

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