Pornhub block texas

Pornhub block texas

Kekesi added that Pornhub is consulting its legal team and "reviewing options," adding: "This is not the end. Using this service does not require people to turn over their real identities to porn sites. Texas Attorney General announced that his office is suing Aylo Global Entertainment, which owns Pornhub and other sites. The initial ruling against Texas' age verification law, " noted that Texas' own studies tended to show that content filtering and parental controls would be more effective, and better tailored, than age verification," First Amendment lawyer Ari Cohn pointed out last year. Hide Images. In a statement sent to Newsweek, Alex Kekesi, Pornhub's vice president of brand and community, commented: "Unfortunately the Texas law for age verification is ineffective, haphazard, and dangerous. First Responders Salute. Constitution's First Amendment prohibition against free-speech restrictions. Pornhub says this could be used to prevent underage users from accessing age-restricted content without requiring websites to verify ages themselves. TDCJ prisoner transport bus catches fire near Centerville. Ronald McDonald House Charities needs summer volunteers, donations. Each of these states recently enacted an age verification requirement for adult content websites.

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